You’re probably aware of the uses of hypnotherapy in areas like stopping smoking, treating phobias, or for weight loss. But there are some things that hypnosis can help with do that might surprise you…
7 unusual uses of hypnotherapy
- Learn a new skill, or enhance an existing one. It all starts in the mind. Athletes and performers know the power of mental practice to help with motivation, self-confidence, and reducing competitive anxiety. What the mind can believe, the mind can achieve. So visualising yourself employing your chosen skill can forge a strong subconscious path to start you on your way.
- Enjoy different foods. So you know that greens are healthy, and wholegrain bread is better for you – but what if you just don’t like the taste? A little hypnosis could change this, and change your eating habits for the better.
- End cravings or addictions. Conversely, hypnotherapy can help you turn down the brownies, stop drinking so much, or even say goodbye to unhealthy relationships.
- Enjoy public speaking. Being an effective speaker can boost your career in your company, your industry, and beyond. Once-shy clients are surprised at the changes in themselves – and the benefits they reap. As quitting smoking stops you draining money, becoming a good speaker puts money in the bank.
- Exercise longer, stronger, and more efficiently. Hypnosis can help turn your lack of enthusiasm for working out into get up and go. Ask yourself: ‘What would exercising give me? What would it make possible in my life?’ A powerful motivational story for your subconscious can make it so desirable that you can’t wait to shop for running shoes.
- Attract a partner. You think finding the person of your dreams is about mesmerising him or her? Not at all: it’s about starting with yourself. Hypnosis for confidence gives you a powerful feeling, and that confident sense of self can be very appealing to others.
- Get more done in less time. It’s not all about organising your files or upgrading your technology. Productivity, effectiveness, and enjoying what you do all start in the mind. And specifically, in your subconscious mind.
Breaking old habits and creating better new ones
One of the most common uses of hypnotherapy is creating or breaking habits. These might be habits of action, or habits of thought. Grabbing a biscuit, and another, and another – perhaps without really noticing – is a habit of action. But that action may have been due to a habit of thought. Perhaps you were dwelling on a painful, sad, or angry thought, or an unfulfilled desire and wanted to distract yourself. And you found that eating did that for you temporarily. You may not realise why you’re reaching for the biscuits again. You might think ‘I’m just peckish’. But it’s often connected with an unconscious habit of mind.
Hypnosis is ideal for working for working with the subconscious mind. The process of hypnosis is pleasant, relaxing, and empowering. Clients often say they feel deeply refreshed, more alive, and committed to their lives after a session. They are amazed at feeling so rested and optimistic after just an hour.
Why not see how hypnotherapy can help you? Whether you want to break old habits, create new ones, gain confidence, or be more productive, it might just be the answer. I am a qualified hypnotherapist, experienced in supporting clients to help them make the changes they want in their lives (see my success stories). I am based in Canterbury and London; and also undertake online sessions, wherever in the world you may be. I offer a free no-obligation 15 minute phone consultation, so call me on 07947 475721 and prepare to be surprised at what hypnotherapy can do for you!