Alcohol dependence is a killer. It’s now officially estimated that 5% of all deaths worldwide are attributable to alcohol. That’s 1 in every 20 people – enough to sober anyone up.
If you feel that you’d like to have greater control over your drinking, good news. It’s currently Go Sober for October, where you can raise money for MacMillan Cancer Support as well as giving your body a significant health boost.
But what if you know that you’ll just go straight back to your old ways with a large one once midnight strikes on November 1st?
Alcohol dependence: the physical and mental toll
A number of my clients admit that they drink more than they should, usually in response to stressful life conditions. Alcohol becomes indelibly associated with relaxing after work, and eventually the habit turns into a dependency. That this is a socially accepted norm doesn’t help.
However, excess alcohol can lead to problems which not only affect you physically, but mentally too. For example, did you know the impact that drinking has on your sleep? Many think that alcohol helps them drop off more quickly. While this may seem to be the case, the actual quality of sleep is poor. Alcohol affects the REM sleep cycle – when we most commonly dream – which in turn affects learning, memory, and mood. More serious problems such as depression can ensue, compounded by alcohol being a depressant to begin with.
Like most other addictions, alcohol dependence can create a warped reality where those affected no longer have any control. Alcohol can rip apart families, end careers – and as the stats now show, increasingly end lives. There are many medical downsides associated with alcohol, and the social implications can be equally serious. Without help, alcohol dependence can run rampant to the point where someone loses everything that is precious to them. They drink in response to their problems – but as drinking causes more problems, they have to drink more to keep reality at bay. It really is a vicious cycle, leaving people feeling that a way out is impossible.
Finding a permanent solution through hypnotherapy
However, this is an illusion, which a change of mindset can reveal. And this is where hypnotherapy can help. Having worked with people with different addictions, I’ve found that what they often needed was simply someone to help them overhaul their thinking. From there, we worked on learning healthier coping mechanisms and resolving unmet needs. In this way, hypnotherapy can offer a permanent solution.
If you feel as though you might never be free of the urge to reach for the bottle, whether to celebrate a good day or console yourself after a bad one, consider hypnotherapy. You really have nothing to lose, and everything to gain – and you can even make a start right now with this download. I am a qualified hypnotherapist, experienced in supporting clients to make the changes they want in their lives (see my success stories). I am based in Canterbury and London; and also offer online sessions, wherever in the world you may be. Please feel welcome to call me on 07947 475721 for a free no-obligation 15 minute phone consultation to see how I can help.